Welcome to Not Another Marketing Podcast where I’m talking to Bryan Collins, a former content marketer for Sage and the founder of ‘Become a Writer Today’. We’re talking tips & advice on how to improve your copywriting skills.
Episode 128
They say practice makes perfect but can you really practice your copywriting skills and how do you find the time to write quality pieces when the pressure is there to churn out more and more?
Help is at hand from Bryan Collins. He’s a former content marketer for Sage, the accounting folk and the founder of ‘Become a Writer Today’. His content has been viewed over 10 million times and he’s been a guest writer for publications like Lifehacker, Forbes, FastCompany, and Copyblogger.
He’s also the author of several bestselling books including, ‘The Art of Writing a Non-Fiction Book’, ‘The Power of Creativity’, and ‘Yes, You Can Write’.
You can find Bryan at becomeawritertoday.com and he also hosts the Become a Writer Today Podcast.
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