Welcome to Not Another Marketing Podcast where I’m talking to Frankie Mundy who’s a Senior Legal Editor & Lawyer and Marion Kennedy, Senior Legal Editor from Sparqa Legal. We’re talking all the Ts & Cs in the footer of your website.
Episode 93
How much of the boring stuff at the bottom of our website do we really need? There’s cookie polices, privacy polices, terms of use, terms and conditions, delivery policies… it never ends!
We’re going to try and demystify it a little with Frankie Mundy who’s a Senior Legal Editor & Lawyer and Marion Kennedy, Senior Legal Editor from Sparqa Legal. If you need legal templates, documents and legal assistance then give them a shout on their website, Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.
Can I quickly mention is that NAMP is totally ad free and I’d love it if you could give the pod a quick shout on social media and subscribe via your podcast app.