Not Another Marketing Blog
Email Marketing, Podcasting, SEO & Content Marketing tips and advice.What To Include On Your Ecommerce About Us Page
Let’s face it most ‘About Us’ pages are awful! They’re knocked together as an afterthought because the theory is that they don’t actually sell anything and nobody looks at them. This is a huge mistake. Check your stats. I bet there are people looking at your ‘About...
3 Ways To Encourage More Browsing On Your Website
It can be hard work getting a new visitor to your website. It may have cost you money with an ad or hours of wonderful content creation so when you get them there try to keep them for as long as possible. Bounce Rate is also something to think about. Generally, you...
How To Write A Blog Post In 20 Minutes
The first thing I want to say is that I really don’t recommend writing a blog post in 20 minutes but it’s a question I’ve been asked a number of times by busy business owners who usually have less than half an hour free to write a post. Please, spend longer than 20...
Why Should You Blog For Your Business & Post On A Regular Basis?
Creating a blog for your business is an absolute must and if done with some forethought and planning you can attract new traffic and leads for your business. The first thing I’ll mention is to quickly nip over and have a look at another post I did about not calling...
6 Tips For Creating Fantastic Website Navigation
Making sure you have a great navigation system in place on your website is really important not just for your search engine optimisation but more importantly your web visitors or customers. Getting things right will help reduce your bounce rate (people view more...
10 Ways To Make Your Website Mobile Friendly
The phrase Mobile Friendly has been doing the rounds for quite a while especially since Google launched its Mobile Friendly algorithm last April. We all know the idea of being friendly on mobile devices is making sure you can see things properly on a smaller screen...
5 reasons why people hate your website
Hate is probably a strong word to use but we spend so much time online during our work and personal lives that when we come across an awful website we really do hate it for wasting our time. Here’s five reasons why people will quickly surf away from your website and...
How To Add A Call To Action Button On Your Facebook Page
Getting people from your Facebook page to your website can sometimes be a little tricky as Facebook loves to keep people on Facebook so the Call To Action button is a vital piece of the puzzle to help attract new leads, sales or bookings. I've just done a quick count...
10 Scary SEO Tips for Halloween
Halloween will be upon us very soon and I'm sure a few of you will be dressing up your websites with some bats and witches…. I remember back in the day of background sound on websites(!) lots of ghostly noises emanating from various pages. It's fun to be scared and...