Not Another Marketing Blog
Email Marketing, Podcasting, SEO & Content Marketing tips and advice.Finding Competitors Backlinks Using Open Site Explorer
Looking at your competitors backlinks or inbound links is a great way to find new places to promote yourself. You may find new blogs, online magazines or even trade shows that you could get involved in. Here's a quick video...
3 tips for writing better product descriptions
Writing product descriptions can be a real chore. During my training sessions I ask for a hand show from those who enjoy writing them and all hands usually stay down! Its tedious, boring and you’re usually in a rush so here’s 3 tips on how to write better product...
Cull Your Social Media!
I'm a big believer that every business should run a full Social Media audit at least every 6 months or just before a big campaign and one of the things you should look at is how effective the various platforms are for you and cull the ones that don’t work. Here’s why....
5 great tips to make blogging easier
Blogging is hard work, especially if its not your full time job and you have a business to run. The chances are you struggle for time and just like me, need ways to make your blogging life a little more enjoyable and a lot easier. Here’s 5 tips that I hope will help....
Make the most of the brands you sell
Back in the old days, before the Internet came along I used to focus a lot of time promoting brands in local stores… you know, proper buildings! We used to put together a nice window display, advertise on the radio and in the local press and sometimes get the area...
Finding New Customers Using Local Twitter Search and Hootsuite
One of the topics I spend quite a bit of time on during my Social Media Training is listening. Using Hootsuite you can monitor certain phrases and keywords and spot conversions people are having about the products and...
Essential SEO Tips for a website redesign
There’s an awful lot of website redesigning going on at the moment. Flashy banners are deleted and the comic sans font is binned. Simple, minimal designs that work quickly and efficiently are in. This is all great news for the user as they get a better experience but...
PODCAST: Website Redesigns & 301 Redirects. Don’t lose your traffic!
This is the first of hopefully many short podcasts on SEO and various aspects of digital marketing and I hope its useful to anyone planning a website redesign. Last year I spoke to 11 companies who had lost most of their search engine traffic due to...
3 Tips to improve your SEO in 2015
I’m not really a fan of all the New Years resolution posts that do the rounds this time of year. I tend to believe that you should be doing resolutions all year round so….. …here’s 3 things you should start doing to improve your SEO regardless of the time of year....