Episode 87
This is a really interesting chat with Veronica who used to be a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and is now a content marketing strategy consultant specialising in industries like accountancy, law and insurance. We talk about how to make our content more interesting and useful pus how to introduce video marketing into these industries.
During the interview Veronica mentions video apps Wave and Loom so nip over and take a look.
Make sure you also check out my podcast interview with the Chief Marketing Officer of Wave Video, Daniel Glickman.
You can find Veronica on her website which is veronicasagastume.com. She’s also on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram.
Can I quickly mention is that NAMP is totally ad free and I’d love it if you could give the pod a quick shout on social media and subscribe via your podcast app. You can find more podcasts at https://www.jtid.co.uk/podcasts.